View 投稿: Oops, Momento ate 60% of my Lambda latencies! Oops, Momento ate 60% of my Lambda latencies! Accelerate your app in minutes with a serverless cache. Ellery Addington-White 著者 パフォーマンス
View 投稿: Stop settling for almost serverless Stop settling for almost serverless Holding your full stack to the serverless standard is possible right now. ミーラ・ジンダル 著者 サーバーレス
View 投稿: The biggest miss in your cache hit rate The biggest miss in your cache hit rate Cache hit rate alone creates cognitive bias—and bad customer experience. Cache miss rate can help. Yao Yue 著者 カワジャ・シャムス 著者 キャッシング
投稿を見る クラウド時代の約束を果たすサーバーレス・キャッシュがついに登場 クラウド時代の約束を果たすサーバーレス・キャッシュがついに登場 It's time to demand more from your cache. アレックス・デブリー 著者 キャッシング
View 投稿: Making Pelikan fly on Arm: Diving deeper into our adventures with Tau T2A VMs Making Pelikan fly on Arm: Diving deeper into our adventures with Tau T2A VMs Discover how Momento tripled throughput on Google's Arm-based VMs with simple optimizations and zero code changes. Brian Martin 著者 カワジャ・シャムス 著者 パフォーマンス
View 投稿: 4 tips for building high-performance systems 4 tips for building high-performance systems Keep these best practices in mind when performance is primary. カワジャ・シャムス 著者 ダニエラ・ミャオ 著者 パフォーマンス
View 投稿: Real World Serverless Podcast: Khawaja Shams Real World Serverless Podcast: Khawaja Shams The only piece missing from going fully serverless was cache—until now. Mo 著者 ポッドキャスト
View 投稿: Serverless Cache: The missing piece to go fully serverless Serverless Cache: The missing piece to go fully serverless Cloud architectures are progressing to serverless first designs and its time for caches to join the progression. Randy Preval キャッシング
View 投稿: Engineering Founders Podcast Engineering Founders Podcast How do founders know when it’s time to pivot? And how do you make sure your team is on board with the new direction? Mo 著者 ポッドキャスト
View 投稿: Memcached vs. Redis: When scalability and reliability matter Memcached vs. Redis: When scalability and reliability matter For organizations looking to produce highly scalable, distributed software, there are two principal in-memory data storage solutions: Memcached and Redis. Eric O’Rear 著者 キャッシング